Highlander/Historical romance / 03/02/2022 | 02:36

Highland Honor (Murray Family 2) Hannah Howell

Nigel Murray saw through her masquerade from the first: a young woman trying to pass herself off as a page. It almost worked -- until she was unmasked in battle with the English, at the point of a sword.

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Highlander/Historical romance / 02/18/2022 | 04:26

The Chief (Highland Guard 1) by Monica McCarty

Scouring the darkest corners of the Highlands and Western Isles, Robert the Bruce handpicks ten warriors to help him in his quest to free Scotland from English rule. They are the best of the best, chosen for their superior skills in each discipline of warfare. And to lead his secret Highland Guard,

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Highlander/Historical romance / 02/02/2022 | 05:54

Captured by the Highlander (Highlander 1) by Julianne MacLean

Lady Amelia Sutherland would rather die than surrender to a man like Duncan MacLean. He is the fiercest warrior of his clan—her people's sworn enemy—and tonight he is standing over her bed. Eyes blazing, muscles taut, and battle axe gleaming, MacLean has come to kill Amelia's fiancé. But on

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Highlander/Historical romance / 01/18/2022 | 07:44

The Chief (Highland Guard 1) by Monica McCarty

Scouring the darkest corners of the Highlands and Western Isles, Robert the Bruce handpicks ten warriors to help him in his quest to free Scotland from English rule. They are the best of the best, chosen for their superior skills in each discipline of warfare. And to lead his secret Highland Guard,

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Highlander/Historical romance / 01/03/2022 | 04:29

Devil in a Kilt (Clan MacKenzie 1) by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

A fiery angel, a coldhearted devil, and a marriage hotter than hell!

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Highlander/Historical romance / 12/07/2021 | 02:22

Highland Hellcat (Highlander 2) by Mary Wine

He wants a wife he can control.. She has a spirit that can't be tamed...

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Highlander/Historical romance / 11/30/2021 | 03:22

Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy 2) by Maya Banks

Fiercely loyal to his elder brother, Alaric McCabe leads his clan in the fight for their birthright. Now he is prepared to wed for duty, as well.

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Highlander/Historical romance / 10/29/2021 | 09:15

Taming the Highlander (The MacLerie Clan 1) by Terri Brisbin

When an old threat rises against the clan and laird, will love be powerful enough to save the woman not known for beauty and her Beast?

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Highlander/Historical romance / 10/19/2021 | 02:03

Just Imagine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Two hard-headed, passionate people . . . Two stubborn opponents with tender souls . . . Sometimes wars of the heart can only be won through the sweetest of surrenders.

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Highlander/Historical romance / 10/07/2021 | 02:18

The Laird's Kidnapped Bride by Mysty McPartland

Furious and out for blood when she finds herself kidnapped of the streets of Stirling, Fern promises herself whoever was behind this fiendish act would pay with their life.

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