Brother Grim (The Grim Saints MC  2) by Rowan St. George

"In all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she has to walk into mine" – Casablanca.Zachary Weber aka Misfit, never really fit in, he left Miami after suffering a great loss. He landed with The Grim Saints MC, finding the brotherhood that was missing from his life. When Sasha finds him again he still resents the choices she made all those years ago.

Alexandra Petrov aka Sasha took vows to protect the only man she truly loved, but in the end, he left town with a deep hatred for her. When she finally has the chance to change their future, she goes to him hoping he’ll hear her out. What she finds is bitterness still burns his core.Can Misfit forgive Sasha for the sins of their past?